Your grammar dilemmas solved!

Let me take the worry out of writing for you, either through my training courses or by using my extensive editorial experience to smooth out the wrinkles in your written work.

Customised training for organisations

Are you worried about misplaced apostrophes or other errors in your organisation's communications? Let me provide training tailored to your staff, using examples and exercises from your organisation's publications to reduce embarrassment.

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Professional development for teachers

Choose from one-day refresher and intensive courses designed to expand on the English syllabus delivered at your school or longer comprehensive courses at a convenient inner north-west or south-eastern location.

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Grammar Boot Camp

Are grammar errors holding you back in work or study? Are punctuation errors putting followers off your blog?
From apostrophes to zeugma, refresh, raise and reboot your grammatical skills and communications confidence.
Grammar Boot Camp – it's training for your brain.

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But versus however: or conjunctions and conjunctives – what’s the difference?

It’s simple. If you are trying to choose whether to use but or however, choose the bold but over the weak, wimpy however – every single time. If I could choose just one topic in grammar where I could way a magic wand and have my way, it is this: the issue of using but

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Subordinating conjunctions: the on-ramps of sentence constuction

Subordinating conjunctions: what they do and how they differ from coordinating conjunctions In my post on coordinating conjunctions, I explained how that group of conjunctions joins shorter sentences together in a way that balances the two original sentences, leaving them of equal importance in the new sentence. Subordinating conjunctions also join shorter sentences into longer

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Commonly confused words: disinterested or uninterested (and disinterred or uninterred)?

Disinterested or uninterested? There was a furore late in 2022 when an ABC journalist used uninterested when she meant disinterested. While many people use the words interchangeably, they do mean quite different things. Disinterested means impartial, even-handed, being fair to all involved. A disinterested person – like a judge or a sports umpire – may

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Can you start a sentence with ‘so’? Coordinating conjunctions

Coordinating conjunctions What do coordinating conjunctions do? Conjunctions, as a group, are like road junctions: they are where sentences join. Coordinating conjunctions, one of the two categories of conjunctions, resemble an intersection with a roundabout; they join the roads in a way where all roads are equal. No way in or out of the roundabout

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